Small Business Saturday
Help grow local businesses by supporting the growth of Small Business Saturday! Local artisans, chefs, caterers, framers, groomers, boutiques, jewelers, print agencies, all can get finish your holiday wishlist. Visit for a complete list of local stores and let’s grow and prosper together!
Some areas you should consider to help get your Small Business Saturday Shopping Done
- Hamilton Marketplace
- Pacheco Plaza
- Novato Faire Market
- Downtown Novato
- San Marin Shopping Center
- Tresh Triangle
- And many more
Have a great holiday season, from your Novato Chamber of Commerce
- Hamilton Marketplace
- Pacheco Plaza
- Novato Faire Market
- Downtown Novato
- San Marin Shopping Center
- Tresh Triangle
- And many morea
- Technically All Day Saturday, but we can try to make everyday 'Small Business Saturday' right?
Small Business Saturday
Date and Time
Saturday Nov 27, 2027
Last Saturday of November